what is an owners corporation? 

what is a quokka?


A Quokka is an Australian marsupial located on Rottnest Island near Perth, Western Australia. Quokka's are famous for having "happy" facial features and are popular among tourists!

As the Quokka is the symbol of our organisation, it simply reminds us everyday to be happy and positive while staying true to our Australian heritage.


i WANT quokka group ON BOARD, how do we make this change?

If you've found this page and you're a property developer, we would love to have a discussion with you now! It's as simple as either giving us a call or filling out the contact us form. We guarantee a response within 1 business day. 

If however you are part of a current Owner's Committee, we would happily assist you in discovering ways to transition. Simply contact us now for a preliminary chat!

Please note: Terms will vary on the building and above all else we also recommend seeking legal advise as changing Owner's Corporations requires a strict and formal process in accordance with Australian Law.